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What you can expect, eBook & weekly email with Wayne’s (host) biggest takeaways from each episode only shared with our email list community.

eBook Chapter 8: Cannabis Market Transitions pg 1

Chapter 1: Finding a Location: The most difficult task you will face

Chapter 2: Branding: Never urgent, always important, critical for long term profits

Chapter 3: Cannabis Infusion Techniques & Dosage: Finding the best infusion method for your edibles

Chapter 4: Sourcing Cannabis Material & Lab Testing: How to find great suppliers and pay the right price

Chapter 5: Pricing Strategy: This will make or break your product sales

Chapter 6: Packaging & Labeling: How to stand out in a crowded market

Chapter 7: Distribution: Getting your edibles on retailer shelves

Chapter 8: Market Transitions: The biggest opportunities exist here

Chapter 8 Continued

eBook Chapter 8: Cannabis Market Transitions pg 2
eBook Chapter 8: Cannabis Market Transitions pg 3
eBook Chapter 8: Cannabis Market Transitions pg 4
eBook Chapter 8: Cannabis Market Transitions pg 5